Saturday, April 14, 2012

Foot reflexology pressure points map

This is a reflexology foot pressure points map.
This alternative healing technique is good for treating and/or relieving many health conditions such as headaches, nausea, fever and it is also considered an effective means of relieving mental stress, anxiety and depression.
 I find the picture of foot reflexology pressure points useful for reference. It is interesting to notice that the big toe has a pressure point that connects to the pineal gland - maybe massaging that pressure point of the big toe regularly can stimulate or activate the function of the pineal gland better. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

12 things that Many Doctors don't want you to know... By Sannanda...

12 things that Many Doctors don't want you to know... By Sannanda...

1. Vaccinations are one of the most harmful things you can do to yourself and your children... They are proven to not be effective... they have heavy metals and other dangerous substances in them... creating allergic reactions and can even kill a child...

2. The medicine from Pharmaceutical Companies are harmful to the body... creating a lot of side effects... leading to failure of brain functions... organs not working etc...

3. The cancer Donation Foundations are a Scam... After more then 50 years... Radiation and chemo therapy is still used... In the World... in one year... 7 Million people died in Cancer being treated by Doctors... The foundations are not supporting any breakthrough and No Alternative cancer treatments...

4. Many Alternative Cancer treatments have a 90 percent recovery of their Clients...

5. The highest cause of Death in the US is treatments by doctors... Almost 1000 000 people died last year from side effects and wrong treatments...

6. Cutting out organs is a very lucrative business... and is encouraged by most doctors if you have a problem... What they dont tell is that alternative cures can make your organ work beautifully again...

7. When a doctor says there is no Cure... and that you will die very soon... it is only the doctors limited knowledge speaking... and yes... there is a cure...

8. The FDA... Food and Drug administration... are working for the pharmaceutical companies and effectively stops any cures that they can not earn any money on... If someone comes up with a cure for Cancer... he can go to jail for it... Many has... or has been killed for sending the message out...

9. The pharmaceutical companies are the biggest in the world... earning money on you being sick... They have design most medicine to not cure you... instead they make you be a patient for your whole life... depending on the medicine to stay alive...

10. There are very profound simple cures out there... MMS is a mineral curing Cancer... Aids... Malaria (within 8 hours)... A Frequency Generator... can cure most Cancers... and other kind of disease...

11. Raw live food is one of the best thing for your health... Doctors have no Education on the subject...

12. When a Doctor talks badly about Alternative Medicine... he only shows his ignorance... The ignorance of the Doctor... Kills millions of people every year...

Dear Doctor... Dear Human being... I know many of you have great hearts... Look deeper into the system... If you read the above... and agree... Why not take action to change it... Your action may save millions of lives...

Related Post:
Top Ten Reasons to Avoid Your Doctor

Friday, April 6, 2012

Foods that Feed The Pineal Gland

I just read an interesting health article on foods that feed the pineal gland or the third eye. It is helpful to know how certain foods (as well as sunlight) can expand the function and energy of the pineal gland, which in turn can determine the expansion of our psychic awareness. Maybe the ancients know the power of being exposed to sunlight as part of their expansion of psychic awareness, hence some of them worship the sun or spend time basking and meditating under the sun.

On the other hand, the article concludes by saying serotonin is just as important, so yea, sleeping in a dark environment helps nourish the pineal gland as well. I have read similar articles on this, and nowadays when I wake up in the morning to go to washroom, I would take care not to switch on the lights - my eyes would have adjusted well to the darkness and I would be able to make my way to the washroom and back to my bedroom. It is to help my brain to produce enough serotonin (as well as melatonin), because I read that sudden exposure to light at night can stop the production of these chemicals/hormones.

"Sleep in complete darkness or as close as possible. If there is even the tiniest bit of light in the room it can disrupt your circadian rhythm and your pineal gland's production of melatonin and seratonin. There also should be as little light in the bathroom as possible if you get up in the middle of the night. Please whatever you do, keep the light off when you go to the bathroom at night. As soon as you turn on that light you will for that night immediately cease all production of the important sleep aid melatonin."
"When you do go to bed, make your bedroom as dark as possible. Get dark drapes to block out street lights or other outside lights. If you can't do this, you may even want to try wearing a sleep mask. This will help the pineal start to convert the serotonin in your brain into melatonin."
It is also interesting to learn that certain foods such as seaweed vegetables can nourish the pineal gland. I think miso soup usually contains seaweed vegetables. Earlier this morning, I ate two bananas for  breakfast, and incidentally the article you shared with me says bananas produce serotonin which also feed the pineal gland. Great to know that.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Teen Who Ran From Chemo 18 Years Ago Now Cancer-Free

Best changed his diet, stopped eating red meat, white flour, sugar, substituted soy for dairy and brown rice for white rice. He also incorporated plenty of organic vegetables and filtered water into his diet.

In addition to supplements and vitamin C, he began drinking Essiac herbal tea. But perhaps the biggest and most controversial aspect of his self-designed regime included 714-X, a Canadian immune-system injection that he says saved his life.

This is indeed a wonderful and encouraging testimony. it is all about changing the environment in the body - through deep breathing, eating alkaline food and avoiding acidic food, and having a strong immune system through minimising stress and practising meditation, yoga and so on. 

Related post:

The Survival of Billy Best Proves Cancer Doctors Wrong about Daniel Hauser

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rethinking Creativity and Depression

Questioning the mood – creativity link
"A number of writers and psychologists are questioning the validity of the long history of associating depression with creativity."

I also have come to see that creative writers and artists tend to be more in tune and in touch with their feelings, hence these feelings, whether happiness or sadness, are captured and reflected strongly in their creative works. Vincent van Gogh's paintings and Beethoven's music come to mind as fine examples of their creativity and genius being closely connected to their moments of intense moods of melancholy. Yes, it is unfortunate that medical science has largely misunderstood this aspect of human experience and label such melancholy as clinical depression, when actually this aspect is part of normal human psychology that is closely connected to creativity and artistry. The psalmists, for example, had written some of the most moving and expressive psalms during the dark moments of their sadness, exploring the inner depths of their being, deep calling unto deep, such as Psalm 42 and Psalm 88.

Related link:
Ways to overcome depression naturally

Notes on Inner Qi seminar

Inner Qi seminar Aligning your sub-conscious for health, wealth and happiness - Master CK "Yellow emperor's inner classi...