Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gregg Braden - The Spontaneous Healing of Belief

I have checked out the video in which Gregg Braden shared about his new book "The spontaneous healing of belief  - shattering the paradigm of false limits". From what I understand from the interview, his previous book on "Divine Matrix" illuminates a scientific fact that is being established nowadays and is no longer just a theory or metaphor, which is that there is a field of energy that underlies everything that we know and experience in our world, and everything in this field of energy is connected, and one of the powerful elements of that understanding is that we are all born with a language to speak to this field. 

As for his new book, it explores how to apply this language of human emotions, feelings and beliefs to get spontaneous healing. While it (spontaneous healing) may appear dramatic from viewed from the outside, but the deeper scientists explore our physical world, time, universe, atoms etc, the more it becomes apparent that there is some guiding principle (behind these phenomena) - whether we choose to call it a mathematical formula or God (it refers to that same entity/principle).

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thoughts on The Conscious Lifestyle: Facing Your Stress

Walking meditation in Nature
In this article "The Conscious Lifestyle: Facing Your Stress", I think Deepak Chopra has put the issue of stress in its proper perspective in terms of long-term health because I have heard and read some other articles saying that some stress is good for people. Then again, these articles are probably written from the perspective of living in a modern society where people are expected to perform in work and studies, and see stress as a form of motivation. But Deepak goes deeper into the issue, noting that the primitive fight-or-flight response is an inheritance from our pre-human past, and "No one can healthily sustain the heightened alertness, quick burst of energy, rapid heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and other marks of the fight-or-flight response."

Yes, while our lifestyle may have changed to adapt to a fast pace of living in a modern society, our body remains physiologically and psychologically unchanged, and I have come to learn that our body is designed to function optimally when we are peaceful and rested as much and as often as possible. On looking back in my life, I can see why on some days I would have symptoms such as constipation - it must have been partly due to stress which caused various processes in my body (growth, digestion, oxygenation of muscles, etc) to temporarily shut down.

So I have been learning to be mindful not to allow "normal stresses" such as being stuck in traffic, trying to meet deadlines at work, etc affect my health. As noted in the article, diet, exercise, meditation and stress reduction are ways to manage stress and improve heart conditions (and overall health too).

Related post
Some more helpful tips on walking meditation

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Overcoming winter blues (including panic attacks or anxiety disorder)

I understand it can be especially tough during winter time because usually people would feel more isolated than usual during this season. It may seem as if the world out there is a cold world where most people appear to be cold and unfriendly and ignoring others, and it can be depressing to think that those who have lots of friends and family members seem to be having fun while the rest of us are suffering alone here. It is not easy to choose to live a solitary life where we are not dependent on belonging to any kind of group or organisation or institution, but it takes courage. 

Propranolol - anxiety relief

Perhaps to help relieve anxiety, I suggest getting propranolol from a pharmacy or GP, because I find it helpful for myself to slow down rapid heartbeats. It has no side effects except lowering blood pressure temporarily, and you need only take a tablet when necessary.

Here's sharing this testimony I read about propranolol which I thought may be helpful to you. Other kinds of anti-anxiety drugs such as Xanax tend to have side effects and cause withdrawal symptoms. In my own experience, propranolol is relatively safe in that it doesn't have addictive or withdrawal effects. The only side effect it had on me is that my blood pressure was lowered if I were to take a regular dose of 1 tablet every morning and every night, which may cause dizziness in the long run. Eventually I stopped taking it regularly as the palpitation episodes became fewer and far between in 2009.

As mentioned, you need only take it when you are experiencing palpitations, and if you take only once every few days (when necessary), then I think it won't result in dizziness. You could try asking the medical doctor or pharmacist for propranolol and the recommended dosage as I believe this may be the most suitable drug to prevent/minimise anxiety attacks (besides other measures such as diet, rest, deep breathing and so on).
I know of the stress you speak of and am on Propranolol myself and for the same reason. The classification of propranolol is a beta adrenergic blocker. It simply blocks the effects of adrenaline which causes "the fight or flight" response felt when we feel in danger, like a near miss car accident or a lion chasing you. It occurs when one is stressed to the max about anything. Adrenaline causes a lot of immediate responses in your body when released from your adrenal glands, the increased heart rate and blood pressure, palpitations and a bunch of other things.
This class of medications lowers your heart rate and blood pressure and usually stops palpitations (the feeling of your heart skipping a beat). It's been around for a long time, is very safe when taken as directed. I take mine three times a day, but I flip out about everything, and it helps in preventing my migraine headaches. So, just a bit more information.
Relieving/Preventing anxiety attacks through diet
Chamomile tea eases tension and anxiety
As mentioned earlier, besides taking propranolol when needed to reduce/alleviate heart palpitations, diet is another way to relieve or prevent anxiety attacks. This article shares some herbs for dealing with seasonal affective disorder (aka winter blues).
"(3) Chamomile tea can take the edge off "cabin fever." It smooths out tension and anxiety that externally enforced confinement tends to promote. It's best to use the flowers for making the tea. You'll enjoy its mild taste and soothing quality. Perfect for relaxing before bedtime or anytime."
Mushrooms contain Vitamin D
Also, I have read that Vitamin D is essential for fighting against winter blues. Since the cold weather may make it difficult to go out during the day to get the necessary sunlight exposure at times, this article recommended taking mushrooms since they naturally contain Vitamin D.
Part of the "winter blues" includes extremely limited exposure to natural sunlight. Sunlight has been shown not only to make people happier, but it also triggers the human body to produce vitamin D, a necessary component of good health ( And mushrooms are loaded with vitamin D, being the only item in the produce aisle that contains it.
Learn more:
Other natural remedies to avoid depression/anxiety attacks
Here's sharing another article you might find useful as it recommends some natural remedies to avoid depression (or anxiety attacks) during winter without using medical drugs (except for propranolol as mentioned earlier for dealing with heart palpitations). While you are probably already familiar with some of these suggestions, but it is always good to remind ourselves from time to time because we may sometimes forget to take care of ourselves in some areas especially when going through challenges.
"A depression which recurs annually during the winter, as well as feelings of depression which deepen during this period, are related to lack of vitamin D, which is delivered in its most powerful form through sunshine. Vitamin D increases brain levels of serotonin, which has been called the "happiness hormone." Vitamin D also plays an important role in the body's production of dopamine, a mood-lifting transmitter. One excellent source of vitamin D is fermented cod liver oil; just one teaspoon a day delivers a potent dose of this vitamin. Dietary sources include salmon, sardines and mackerel as well as organ meats and eggs (choose organic sources for maximum health benefit, of course). You may also want to try a vitamin D supplement to ensure that you get your daily dose."
Learn more:
Cod liver oil (orange flavour)
As suggested above, you could try cod liver oil (which contains Vitamin D, which in turn helps the body to produce dopamine, a mood-lifting transmitter) - it is available in pharmaceutical stores. I have taken cod liver oil before, usually one tablespoon every day. I kinda like the taste, and I find that it helps build immune system in the long run too. There is a version of cod liver oil with orange flavour, if you don't like the original flavour.

Natural vitamin D from the sun
This article suggests getting some sunlight outdoors (whenever weather permits). I agree it is important too as our mood usually lifts naturally when we are outside the building, and it is always good to be away from the internet for some time too.
"Get as much sunlight on your face and body as is available

Facing the sun for 10 minutes, with your eyes open or closed is an excellent way to absorb the energy of the sun. Take your dose of Vitamin D3 at the same time in order magnify the body's production of Vitamin D. This will boost and protect immunity."
Learn more:
I agree with this part of the first article too.
"Also, take some time to perform emotional self-care. Express your feelings rather than suppressing them, whether by visiting a therapist, writing in a journal or talking with a trusted friend. Re-connect frequently with feelings of happiness, whether watching a funny movie or listening to music that lifts your spirit."
Learn more:
Yes, it is good to express your feelings by blogging and sharing about it. At the same time, it is also important to not allow your emotions to affect your health too much, or else it would be counterproductive. Expressing feelings is always good for relieving stress and anxiety in the long run, so long as you can find a balance and not be overwhelmed by them (as mentioned in the article below). Please remember that in spite of all the hurts and pains you may have experienced in the past, you are always greater than your sorrows, disappointments and challenges. The Christ in you, or the Divine in you, or the Buddha nature in you, is far above the storms in your life.
"Learning to meditate can help provide a balanced path between those two extremes and enable you to feel that you are not at the mercy of your emotions."
Learn more:
Deep breathing exercises can keep us in touch with our inner peace
Yes, meditation and deep breathing can bring you to a place of inner peace where you are safe from being buffeted by the waves, even if they come back and remind you of the past.

Related links

Holiday season blues
Healing Emotional and Psychological Trauma - Symptoms, Treatment, and Recovery Christmas Blues
Transform Your Life – Overcome Your Abused Childhood Trauma
How to Deal with Childhood Trauma as an Adult
What are the Christmas Blues?
Getting Rid of Those Holiday "Blues": Ryerson University Expert

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Inner Peace

I have listened to the video on inner peace. Like what the presenter said, each of us has the power to create the reality we prefer, and there is no reality apart from how we choose to define it. This may sound self-explanatory but I guess everyone needs a reminder from time to time because circumstances can seem overwhelming and we can be carried away or absorbed in our pains and sufferings.

Being in touch with our emotions is a normal process to go through for us human beings, and I think we are blessed and equipped with a higher consciousness that we can tap into at any time in our journey of healing and strengthening - while it is true we can change our thinking in an instant, there is usually a period of time we come to terms with our experiences before we are ready to emerge, just as a caterpillar doesn't change into a butterfly immediately but goes through a metamorphosis and finally emerges from the cocoon and spreads its wings ready to fly.

I agree the truth is simple yet profound, and maybe that's why listening to the silence of our heart is crucial to remembering the truth since there are often distractions out there in the world from mass media and so on. We are our own best healers and physicians (and metaphysicians).

An interesting cancer quote

"If cancer specialists were to admit publicly that chemotherapy is of limited usefulness and is often dangerous, the public might demand a radical change in direction—possibly toward unorthodox and nontoxic methods, and toward cancer prevention. ...The use of chemotherapy is even advocated by those members of the establishment who realize how ineffective and dangerous it can be." - Ralph W. Moss, author, The Cancer Industry
Yes, like what Ralph Moss said, even cancer specialists are aware of how ineffective and chemotherapy can be in treating cancer. I remember one doctor shared in his interview with Dr Mercola that only a few cases of cancer may be successfully treated with chemo but the majority of cases do not respond well to chemo, hence that's where natural remedies come into the picture, such as eating anti-cancer super foods such as turmeric, soursops, mushrooms and so on, getting more oxygen intake and Vitamin D, etc. 
"Yes, there are few cancers that respond to chemo, but there are very few. For a hundred different types of cancer, maybe four or five respond well to any kind of chemo. The vast majority doesn’t respond well. And believe me: after 23 years of doing this, they don't know how much money they make.

You know, when they start out, there’s at least some idealism. Even in the most cynical doctor, there was some idealism when went into medicine. And it’s very difficult. I love coming to work – I don’t care what the AMA, the NCI think – and I love coming to work to see the patients getting well. There’s nothing better than that."
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez (from "Dr Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Jobs")
On finding a balance between eastern/holistic/naturopathic medicine and western/allopathic medicine:
"The healing professions are divided today between alternative, holistic therapies which are most often not covered by mainstream insurance companies, and conventional western medicine, which is hashed into various specialties, focusing on
dispensing drugs and surgery rather than examining the total person. I personally advocate a blending and revamping of the two approaches, which to my mind represent feminine and masculine approaches: the holistic treatments being primarily feminine, and conventional western medicine being focused on aspects of the masculine, such as logical reasoning and action over reflection. Offering one’s health to the open arms of social media is an attempt to engage society, globally, into a revolution of our health care systems world-wide. People want change, want to be treated as individuals, and want to be responsible for their own choices regarding their emotional and physical bodies."
Related article

Monday, December 3, 2012

Some thoughts about water fasting and dieting

In this video, Keith Owens tells of his experience on day 9 of his water only fast. I noted that he felt like he was being cleansed of toxins, not just physically (through bowel movement in the washroom on the 9th day) but also cleansed mentally, and he felt good after that. The water fasting had changed his lifestyle - he stopped smoking, for example. It involves weight loss, as I also learnt from this website, so it requires careful moderation and supervision if one were to carry out water fasting.

I suppose you could start slow if you try water fasting. As advised by this website:
"If you're going to water fast on your own, honor the rules about rest and recuperation and attention to increasing bodily awareness. You must slow down. You must honor your body and its needs and messages. You must give every opportunity for this to be a healing experience--on all levels--and you know intuitively what you need to do and what you need to let go of to allow this."
Besides, I learnt from this wikiHow website that water fasting may have side effects such as dizziness, nausea and headaches. It recommends alternating "a juice fast with a water fast if you're contemplating a longer fasting period. That way, your body can receive important vitamins and nutrients on a periodic basis." Perhaps a safer alternative is taking more fruits and vegetables. (The website also noted that doctors nowadays advised against colon cleansing, such as enema, since our body will naturally cleanse itself.)

Here's sharing a person's testimony on water fasting in view of her low residual iron levels in her blood.
"It's so important that you listen to your body. 2 days of water fasting can be too much for some people... whereas others can do much longer periods. 

My daily iron levels are fine but my residual iron levels are low... so when I water fast... one day is enough for me. Then I make sure to have watermelon juice the next day with a touch of lime - as the lime assists my body to absorb the iron. 

So... if you find yourself getting super dizzy, really weak, your skin turns really pale... consider switching to juices or back to eating raw. 

Other than that... I don't see a problem with what you are wanting to do."
If you are anemic, I suppose it's advisable to start slow if you want to try water fasting. Since having slight iron deficiency in your blood may cause fatigue easily, you could consider alternating with juices and broths, as well as ensuring a regular intake of iron rich food (such as beet, sweet potatoes, broccoli, prune juice, raisins, eggs, etc) in between short periods of water fasting.


On another note, here's sharing a new diet that is mainly plant-based and follows "a comprehensive set of dietary guidelines proven to enhance the immune system and improve overall health in addition to routing cancer." So I thought it could be a good diet to follow when alternating between water fasting (if you are planning to start one) and juice fasting at different periods of time.

GOMBBS - Greens, onion, mushrooms, berries, beans and seeds

Fuhrman coined this quirky acronym to capture the most demonstrably powerful anti-cancer foods. Greens are the most nutrient-dense foods in the world; the cruciferous vegetable family in particular, including broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and many others, generates compounds known as isothiocyanates (ITCs) when blended, chopped or chewed that have a plethora of anti-cancer actions. In one study, higher intake of cruciferous vegetables halved the total incidence of cancer, while in another, higher intake saw a 57 percent reduction in the occurrence of colon cancer.

Allium vegetables including onions, garlic, shallots, leeks and scallions contain organosulfur compounds that are released when chewed, chopped or crushed. Increasing consumption of these healthful vegetables is proven to reduce the risk of prostate and gastric cancers. The flavonoid quercetin, abundant in onions, slows tumor growth and causes death of colon cancer cells.

All commonly eaten mushrooms contain powerful cancer-fighting agents including angiogenesis inhibitors, aromatase inhibitors and antigen-binding lectins which block estrogen production and prevent cancer cell growth. Eating just one mushroom per day lowers risk of developing breast cancer by 64 percent.

Berries' extraordinarily high antioxidant content merits them a spot on Fuhrman's short list of cancer fighters. For the greatest health benefit, dip berries in a homemade chocolate sauce; the combination of antioxidant-rich cacao and berries has been proven to have a synergistic effect that doubles the amount of antioxidants absorbed.

Beans, peas and lentils are nutrient-rich and high in protein and fiber; eating legumes at least two times a week reduces colon cancer risk by 50 percent. Additional protective effects have been shown for kidney, stomach, oral, larynx and pharynx cancers.

Seeds (and nuts, to a lesser degree) are high in protein, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats. Flax, hemp and chia seeds are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids, and nut and seed consumption generally is linked to heart health, prevention of diabetes and weight control.
Learn more:

Notes on Inner Qi seminar

Inner Qi seminar Aligning your sub-conscious for health, wealth and happiness - Master CK "Yellow emperor's inner classi...