We are gods. When we love ourselves, we are loving God. When we take care of our bodies and stay in good health, we take care of His temple.
How others see us reflects how they see themselves. We are all one. We can see the world through the lens of God's grace.
With inner peace, we have world peace.
The following quotes are also enlightening and promotes peace with oneself and others:
"In the light of
his vision he has found his
thoughts are peace, his
words are peace and his
work is peace."
"I was heartened on the summit between
leaders of Islam and Buddhism. Our world situation is so divided that
we need dialogue that reminds
us that we are connected not just by
economics but
spiritually and
morally as well.
We all rely on the
Earth and each
other for our survival.
As the Dalai Lama
has said, "If you see
yourself in others, then whom can you
hope political and community
leaders will join these
spiritual visionaries to
wake up the people of
Earth to the fact that what happens to anyone
of us happens to
us all. When we can see these connections and act in the interests of and
compassion for
others, the Earth will be a safer place for
us and for future generations." - Laura
You will live in the rapture of Eternity's garden.
If you purify yourself with the holy water of abstinence,
The murkiness of your heart will change into clear light.
If you can separate yourself from the house of desires,
You will come into the sanctuary of Divine Majesty.
In the heart of the ocean of Unity, you're not
A pearl that any worldly money can buy;
If you're brave enough not to grovel in the dust,
You can find a home in the heights of heaven.
If you dive now headfirst into profound contemplation,
You can dissolve all the past debts of destiny.
Doing such things are the sign of the real seeker
The signs of fire of those who race along the Path.
- Rumi